The original HeroClix search engine and team manager


Set your search criteria and find the perfect character for your team. From standard game information like team ability, cost, keyword terms to collection and more thematic searching like alignment or even gender, you can search for a myriad of different information.

Search Results

Once you’ve performed your search have a look at your results and add to your team. You can even fine tune how the results are sorted using several different values as necessary. You can even change the collection status and customize a character’s rating.


Manage your teams quickly from the team manager. Add objects, ATAs, resources, feats, and anything else that your team can use. Then save them for future reference. Is your team modern? Keyword thematic? All the information you need for your team right here.


Manage your entire collection from here. Just select a set and mark what you own and what you are most interested in finding you can also quickly change a rating. See any set at a glance.

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